Comision desconocida/Unknown Assingnment
Buscando entre los discos viejos algo que subir a este blog, me tope con esto. Estoy seguro de que se trata de trabajo aunque no tengo idea de para que lo hice o quien me lo pidió. Me gustaría experimentar más con este estilo de blanco y negro solamente, sin medios tonos.
Searching through old discs for something to upload to t this blog, I came across this. I’m quite sure this was some sort of work, but I have no idea what it was for or who asked for it. I’d like to experiment more with this black and white style more, avoiding half tones.
Searching through old discs for something to upload to t this blog, I came across this. I’m quite sure this was some sort of work, but I have no idea what it was for or who asked for it. I’d like to experiment more with this black and white style more, avoiding half tones.
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